Features and Principles of FM7 Heat ResistanceFilm

The principles of heat resistance film using ceramic material are as follows. All materials have preferred wave-length and non-preferred wave-length under the sunlight exposure. We have applied this nature to the FM7 heat resistance films and realized the selective blocking function. The fine ceramic material applied to FM7 films is a breakthrough material developed by high nano-technology. This high functional product can provide clean and clear visibility while passing through the visible lights and blocking heat rays at the same time. Therefore, FM7 films allow the visible rays according to the purpose of usage and block out the heats and ultraviolet rays which are harmful to human body and interiors. In case of the competitive products of other companies, their functions can be effective only during a short-term period and the heat resistance function is deteriorated as time goes by because of a low-priced organic heat-resistant material. On the other hand, FM7 films can keep its high quality and function because it uses the inorganic nano-ceramic material.

Car and house windows tinting

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Auto Glass window tints, Residential Property Window Tinting

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Car and House Window Tinting Auckland Wide

FM7 offers exclusive eco-friendly heat rejection Carbon and Ceramic films for car window tinting in Auckland and world-class house window tinting Auckland wide. We, having the state of the art technology and the best product process, manufacture and sell high quality coating films to domestic and international markets.

Our world-class tinting films are best fit for the building and car interior and we make sure they are energy efficient and eco-friendly. We put our top priority on original technology and select only the best materials to maintain our status as a super brand. Car tints Auckland can keep your car up to 60% cooler even when parked right out there in the scorching sun. Quality car tint blocks up to 99% of UV rays, so you won’t have to worry about skin cancer, natural skin damage, or accelerated ageing.

They prevent sun glare, snow glare, and even headlight glare in the night-time. Window tinting Auckland can secure high visibility in your window. The hyper-transparent PET material and high-tech nano-ceramic material can give you clear and clean sight without any dazzling eyes. The house window tinting solutions are highly beneficial bringing benefits such as advancing the security and privacy of your home depending on the shade of tint no one will be able to look into your house.

There is no interruption of running electronic equipment such as mobile phone and car navigation in your car or in your building. The window tinting also offers the reduction of glares and UV rays; while also enhance the aesthetics of your property. The ceramic-based tinting films don’t use the low-priced materials so that we can provide a long time functionality in your building. It can prevent the furniture and interiors inside the window from being decoloured. In addition, this technology can protect your family’s healthy skin from the harmful sunlight and can save your energy cost by 35% at maximum.